East Africa River Mission is on the search for individuals, whether single or married, old or young, the key is a youthful spirit dedicated to the Lord’s Work. The First Step is to Apply.
If you’re already convinced, fill out the online application here on this postings page, or email us at projects@eastarm.net, both avenues get our attention!

EastARM Is Hiring! The first video to announce our invitation to North Americans to come and serve the work here in Tanzania, Africa.
See the ‘Promised Land’ in Kipugira along the Rufiji River, the future site of our Dinner Club to the children and families of that community.
- Tanzania Laborer – Ideally a 2-year commitment (give or take), living at EastARM’s home base of operations in Tanzania, a safari lodge. From there, throughout the week you’ll visit all the villages along the river where we have projects. In particular, we are servicing our DINNER CLUBS (click for more info), which covers all aspects of managing and organizing and hands-on delivering our programs to the children of these villages. This includes a feeding program, English teaching, developing youth sports leagues for the boys and girls, and in general showing unconditional love to the young participants of this Dinner Club and to the local families who it touches. We are looking for people who will not only serve this position faithfully, but Lord-willing will thrive in this task and take ownership of it to the extent that they will become our advisors on these village projects, searching out ways for us to become even more involved in the life of the villages served. Included in this assignment will be on-the-field weekly education in Swahili, giving the invited labor force a grasp of the Tanzanian language, and regular trips outside of the safari lodge setting to the city for purposes of rejuvenating and refocusing.
- North America Rep – A position open for both Canadians and Americans with EastARM ‘offices’ in each respective country, the goal of the ‘rep’ is to become an advocate for the mission. Practically speaking, this means attending conferences, festivals and events, setting up and manning our mission’s booth; networking with individuals and corporations for means of garnering financial support and recruiting short-term teams and longterm commitments to join the work in Tanzania. Working closely with EastARM partners to promote our ongoing work, give updates and help better engage our supporter base with all that the mission has to offer. In general, our corporate and individual partners should both be a blessing to and be blessed by our work. A North American EastARM Rep sees to our current base while opening new partnerships, ultimately allowing us to sustain and expand our project in Tanzania. They are our ‘go-between’ North America and East Africa. A requirement of this position is field experience in Tanzania as an EastARM laborer.
- Specialized: MEDIA – This is a cool position for the right person! It is a Tanzania-based assignment, and it leverages the skills of a qualified individual to capture video and photography of our work in the villages combined with the wild setting of the African bush, to develop that media into captivating short films, articles and stories, and then to share this on various platforms, both online and in-print. The qualifications for this job could include an ability to handle various filming equipments; experience in editing both photography and video; creativity and sensitivity to search out and tell the stories behind the story, including the wordsmith skill to articulate and capture the reader/viewer; to be conversant with multiple social media platforms that would best suit our mission’s needs, as well as an understanding of website building and maintenance (WordPress) and a basic familiarity with code is an advantage. Some of this can be learned, or even taught while on-the-job, but with all EastARM assignments in Tanzania, a dose of humility, flexibility, personal fortitude, inner joy and respect for the position and mission authority are a non-negotiable. This individual will work closely with the Tanzania Laborers and the North American Reps, bridging the gap to capture the story fresh from the field, equipping the reps to share it in Canada and USA, thereby strengthening our financial base to return the support to Tanzania for the work to continue, full-circle. To the right person, Tanzania, and in point EastARM’s setting in the wild African bush is a photographers’ paradise. The basic backdrop is stunning and compelling by its own right.
All positions listed above with East Africa River Mission (EastARM) are subject to fundraising by the applicants, once accepted, with the support of the mission to raise the needed finances to cover the applicants’ expenses and where relevant, salaries. EastARM has on-field leadership in Tanzania and partners in North America to ensure accountability and success of the project, and, of the individuals who join with us to lend their skills and life in service of a Noble Calling.
It’s time to apply…
Fill out the form below and we will be in contact.

In the second edition of our Applicant Video Series, we focus on the need for a specialized media person. The backdrop for this appeal is none other than the Rufiji River, the ‘namesake’ of our area and mission. For the person of God’s choosing, the raw medium from which they will have the privilege to shoot against on a regular basis in Tanzania is simply outstanding, the likes of which will assist to create captivating and compelling promotion for EastARM.

The third video is captured within a multitude of village children in the now known Rufiji Riverside community of Ngorongo. This is our ‘DINNER CLUB’. The first location of a project that we intend to replicate in all the villages lining the great and infamous river of Tanzania. We feed the kids, teach them, play sports and love them. We’re looking for others to come, join us in Tanzania and to do the same.

Our fourth in this series gives a guided tour of Baker & Sons Safari Co, the host of East Africa River Mission in the Rufiji, Tanzania. With lodges built-up along the banks of the river, this picturesque setting is the base of operations for all the mission’s efforts into the surrounding communities, as well as the ‘home-away-from-home’ for those who serve with EastARM. Included in the tour is the camp kitchen, guest dining balcony and the Baker household.

The fifth video is a whirlwind, caught and narrated in the middle of a game of “mpira wa miguu”, aka the beautiful game, aka football, aka soccer. In the village of Mloka, where our mission is based, see and hear of the opportunity to develop youth sports leagues in the area, all while showing these local kids the unconditional love of a Father. We seek to grow the little ones in mind, heart, strength and soul.

An aerial view of Kipo is captured in the sixth video, another site of EastARM’s Dinner Club. On the edge of the village three acres are cleared and prepped to mark out soccer fields, dig a well, build a community centre and playground. Young families from Kipo Village are making plans to construct their homes around this property in the hopes that the mission will keep its promise.

Elephants, elephants, elephants! The final video in this series takes place at Baker & Sons Safari Lodge, the base of operations of East Africa River Mission. These giant beasts declare the glory of God with each monstrous step. Their never-ending quest for food and water shapes the very terrain of Africa. They are a regular guest of the lodge.