East Africa River Mission (EastARM) operates under the charitable direction of ASSISTS PROJECTS, a Registered Canadian Charity, CRA #88870-2669-RR0001. Official receipts for income tax purposes are issued by Assists Projects at year-end for total donations to EastARM, cumulative min. $20. EastARM (Assists Projects) can only issue charitable tax receipts within Canada. For American Donors, click here.
All donations received and spent are accounted for by Assists Projects and the EastARM Board towards their specified/general designation and in accordance with CRA charitable guidelines. Donations will be used as designated, with the understanding that funds raised over or remaining after the life of a designation (project) will be redirected within EastARM to where funds are needed most. 'General CORE' donations are used for the ongoing operation of EastARM. For credit card donations, your card statement will read "EASTARM AP".
Any issues or questions regarding donations to EastARM (Assists Projects) should be directed to support@eastarm.net